Information Request for the Bookkeeping Evaluation
You’re a small business owner trying to build and grow your business. When it comes time to work on your finances and bookkeeping you cringe. You most likely have client invoices needing to be prepared and submitted and now your receivables are starting to hamper your cash flow. By partnering with Tony's Bookkeeping Service, you can now do what you do best and allow us to do what we love to do.
In order to better understand what your bookkeeping needs are and determine what package is best suited for your company, we will need to evaluate your QuickBooks file. The main objective of the Bookkeeping Evaluation is for me to gain a thorough understanding of the current status of your bookkeeping file.
I will review your bookkeeping file along with any requested supporting documentation to gain a thorough understanding of the status of your books and records to determine the proper course of action.
You will receive a written Bookkeeping Evaluation Report outlining our findings and during our Bookkeeping Review call, answer any questions you may have and determine the best way to transition your bookkeeping to Tony's Bookkeeping.
You may be asking why I need to look at your bookkeeping files even though you told me how many checks and invoices you send out. First and foremost, it is not to see how much money you make so we can base our fee on that. Most people who deal with numbers don’t look at them and think “Oh, they make a lot of money!” or “Oh, they are really in debt.” We aren’t judging or drawing conclusions. We are looking at the numbers as facts that will provide us with clues as to what has happened in the past, what is happening now and what if any problems need to be addressed.
There are a couple of reasons why I need to look at this information:
When I am asked, “How much is this going to cost?” A freelance bookkeeper honestly can NOT give you a price without understanding the point we are starting from even if they charge by the hour.
As you are the expert in doing what you do, we are the experts in doing what we do – providing bookkeeping services for small businesses. Through our training and experience, we rely on the numbers to tell us what the real bookkeeping needs of the business are.
Bookkeeping is an investment in your business, not a non-value added function that you have to put up with.
What Information is Needed for the Bookkeeping Evaluation:
Completed Bookkeeping Evaluation Questionnaire
Backup copy of your QuickBooks file
Two months of bank statements for all the cash accounts
A sample client invoice
Last payroll report
Most recent sales and use tax return
Two months of credit card statements
A copy of any lines of credit or loan statements
As you gather together the requested documentation, we will provide you with a secure private ShareFile link that has been created just for your company.
We are invested in the success of your business and creating a successful working relationship. A one-time fee is charged to perform the initial evaluation and if you decide to move forward with our services, 100% of that fee is credited towards your first month’s invoice.
The cost of the Bookkeeping Evaluation is $149.00. The Bookkeeping Evaluation will be charged to your credit card at the time we receive your files. Please note that the evaluation will also give you a sense of the current state of your bookkeeping records even if you elect not to partner with Tony's Bookkeeping.
If you are a brand new business, less than one year old, the Bookkeeping Evaluation is not needed.
What I Will Not Do
I will make no attempt to audit or otherwise verify the data that you submit to me. The Tony's Bookkeeping report is to be used for internal use only. I do not provide tax or legal services of any type. I have not been requested to discover errors, misrepresentations, fraud, illegal acts, or theft, and therefore, will not perform any procedures designed or intended to discover such acts, and you agree I have no responsibility to do so. I will not disclose or reveal your financial information to any outside parties, nor will I store you bookkeeping data file on my computer, unless requested to do so by you. Your financial information remains yours at all times.